In the last few weeks, two events had me think much about my Old Europe, in particular the way my continent deals with social media. And I feel these two chats are quite significant as it implies on the one hand, and in a negative way, the US, on the other hand, and in a…
Author: Martin Pasquier
How Facebook changed birthday celebration
Social media, Facebook especially, changes the way we celebrate birthdays. Before Facebook (remember ?), people did celebrate birthdays the traditional way : either you would remember the day and be a good brother/friend/colleague, either you’d just miss it and would convince yourself not to forget the next one ! Virginia Heffernan of the New York…
[SXSW] Creating a Viral Video #1 : Hacking Youtube
Creating (and claiming !) a viral video is the graal for any web agency in the place. However, this product is more complex than it seems. For customers and big companies, it seems like the viral video is a magic object, easy to make by those geeks working (and apparently living) in agencies, and even…
[SXSW] StartupBus crazy (but viable) ideas
Take 8 US cities far from Austin, Texas (easy). Have 8 buses ready to make the journey between the cities and home of SXSW. Fill these buses with young and ambitious dudes willing to prove they can be entrepreneurs. Let the whole thing mix for 3 days. Get the geeks out of the bus in…
[SXSW] If you tweet sh*t, think of these social media law tips
Social media and law often meet but rarely understand each other. Technology is fast-changing (be it for instance Facebook ever-changing rules), and law is in a more long-term process which makes it relatively unable to compete in the digital race. That’s why SXSW Interactive conference « Can you tweet that ? » was interesting to attend,…
[e-book] Questions d’entreprise sur l’e-réputation
Le Club E-réputation – Association des Professionnels de l’E-réputation, a le plaisir de vous annoncer le lancement d’un ouvrage numérique collaboratif autour des questions d’entreprise sur l’e-réputation. Cet ouvrage est une première réalisation concrète des objectifs annoncés du Club E-réputation: – être une plateforme de réflexions, d’échanges et d’actions des professionnels de l’e-réputation – être…
[#SXSW] Customers know when you’re not being authentic. A summary of Branding without Bullshit
Talking branding, for us marketers, always sounds weird, as it often means a way of communication more and more rejected by suspicious or cynical consumers. Can’t say they’re wrong, as marketing and advertising overall are still not trusted as a good source of information. This is why attending SXSW panel on « Branding without bullshit » proved…
Living alone on social media : the diary
Day #1 : The heat of the night The first thing I want, before even to get the Nokia Lumia at the airport, is to have a taste of the air, and of the heat… I still have my ski jacket on me, and want to forget about Europe’s snowy winter. Even the Airbus A380…
Faut-il internaliser les prestations de veille ?
C’est une question évidemment plus sensible du côté de l’agence que de l’annonceur, mais celle-ci reste intéressante à traiter car elle permet d’envisager plus largement les qualités de chacune des possibilités, et plus largement du cycle d’internalisation des prestations entre une agence et ses clients. Traditionnellement, la veille et l’e-réputation (surveillance des marques, des dirigeants…
Veiller sur les communautés du web social : par thème ou par plateforme ?
Le mot “communauté” pose de nombreuses questions (d’où ce blog), notamment dans la manière dont il tend à s’imposer dans le jargon des professionnels de la communication digitale. Plusieurs champs tous très fertiles s’ouvrent à la réflexion (lien avec le communautarisme, origine anglo-saxonne du concept, implications politiques et culturels du modèle communautaire dans une société…