We hear a lot about conversation, social media, community, but scarcely you have a visualization that allows you to see and understand what it looks like. We more or less intuitively know that conversation abounds on topics such as tech gadgets or health & drugs. Maybe less on, say, social business, but how to be sure ?
Here’s an analysis of a conversation made thanks two open-source software, Navicrawler (you can play with it as an add-on for Firefox – an old version though) and Gephi, on a very cultural topic : leisure, and food, in Singapore (hey, Diner en Blanc, may be this could have proved useful to you).
The objective is easy : make understandable the conversation on a key topic for Singapore, know who the top influencers are, decipher how an interest cluster (food bloggers, fashionistas…) interact with each other.
The method is also straightforward : identify some key influencers on the issue, grab their links with their community, keep only the most connected of them, put a tag and a sign per interest, size…
Last but not least, a single conversation mapping is a solid basis to provide insights and recommendations for brands related to that field. Here, for instance, much could be proposed to Capita Malls (this will be in a second post), but also to luxury brands in Singapore, or to opening restaurants, or start-ups working in the tourism industry !
[slideshare id=14249434&doc=mpsingaporemappingreport-120911091242-phpapp02]
Feel free to ask for the “king size” A0 print, it’s a bit tricky to put it on a blog post 😉
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